Monday, November 21, 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011 - Day 21

No, you stupid cat. I'm allergic! :-(
Well, I guess that's what I get for sleeping in this morning.

So, for those of you who don't have to live with me this week, you should know that I've been getting up consistently at 7:30 in the morning to do two hours of writing before getting started on other things for the day. It's been an amazing practice to get into, and it's probably the main reason I've gotten so much done.

I've also been sleeping on the couch. That detail is important for this next bit.

Last night I finally got to sleep in my bed, as we've been cleaning for company and after moving, so my room has been a lower-priority, in accessible mess up until recently. (Hey, I don't normally live there, so what's the incentive to do anything about it. Right?)

This morning, although I was planning to do my work as normal, I decided that my bed was very comfortable and that I could afford to sleep in because, "I've done such a good job about getting my work done lately."

No, seriously. That's how the thought went through my head.

So, I slept in another hour. Got up at 8:30. Ate breakfast. Then went to the dentist, figuring that I'd have plenty of time this afternoon to get everything done.

Heh. Heh.

First barrier to that plan: I have my mother's teeth. Which means I get cavities easily. Which means, because it's been a year since I was originally supposed to get my cavities filled, they've had a chance to multiply.

We decided to take care of two of them today, but I've still got two or three appointments I'll have to schedule to deal with the rest of them.


So that ate up more time than I expected.

Then, during lunch, I received some news about my housing for next summer, and so had to spend a couple of hours pulling together the various pieces of documentation (some of which I didn't have access to because either a). The offices are closed this week, or b). I haven't accessed some of my financial accounts for over a year and they changed my login information for security purposes.)

So that was barrier two. Slightly more positive news than at the dentist, but still a time suck.

But I did get some writing done. It's a paltry amount, honestly, but it's something, and it finished out the chapter that I started yesterday. Only 7 left in the NaNo novel. I'm more-or-less on track to finish on time. But it'd be really nice to finish early.

Still, I'll take what I can get. And I'll know better than to let my discipline slide next time.

-josh k.

NaNoWriMo 2011 Progress
Today: 675/1,666 words.
So far: 34,338/35,000 words.
Total: 34,338/50,000 words.

1 comment:

  1. 7:30 Every morning? Wow. That's dedication!
